Dog Training And Boarding In Dallas Texas | K9 Tactical

Join us for tactical training with your canine partner. Test coordination and skill in real life scenarios while strengthening your bond and having some family fun.

Dog Training And Boarding In Dallas Texas | K9 Tactical
Dog Training And Boarding In Dallas Texas | K9 Tactical
Dog Training And Boarding In Dallas Texas | K9 Tactical
Dog Training And Boarding In Dallas Texas | K9 Tactical
Dog Training And Boarding In Dallas Texas | K9 Tactical

Decoys will refrain from any aggressive attacks, encourage your dog, and easily present target areas for your dog to bite. We want you to succeed.

This level is slightly harder. We will still present target areas for your dog to bite; however attacks will be slightly more aggressive and we won’t give you and your dog a win. We’re okay if you fail.

We won’t help you. We won’t help your dog. We are enemies. We want you to fail with every fiber of our being.

Dog Training And Boarding In Dallas Texas | K9 Tactical
Dog Training And Boarding In Dallas Texas | K9 Tactical
Dog Training And Boarding In Dallas Texas | K9 Tactical
Dog Training And Boarding In Dallas Texas | K9 Tactical
Dog Training And Boarding In Dallas Texas | K9 Tactical

Two decoys versus two guests and their dog. This scenario is ideal for two family members interested in testing their skills and collaboration with their canine partner.

Can your canine partner tell friend from foe? This scenario involves multiple decoys (all wearing suits). One decoy serves as the criminal. The remaining are innocent civilians trying to escape. Identify and contain the criminal without causing unnecessary harm.

Capture the flag! Introduce your canine partner to the popular childhood game. You try to capture our team’s flag and get it back to your territory while our decoys try to capture your team’s flag while avoiding your dog’s teeth. Single and multi-player options.

Dog Training And Boarding In Dallas Texas | K9 Tactical
Dog Training And Boarding In Dallas Texas | K9 Tactical

Let’s play cops and robbers, kinda. You and your canine partner perform a full search of our course. Your job is to search and contain the criminal, while protecting yourself and your dog. Criminal responses are based on course level chosen.

This is what we train for. Your canine partner’s primary job is to protect his house. Multiple decoys enter from different entries at different times with nothing but negative intent. Your job: handle it.

Dog Training And Boarding In Dallas Texas | K9 Tactical
Dog Training And Boarding In Dallas Texas | K9 Tactical
Dog Training And Boarding In Dallas Texas | K9 Tactical
Dog Training And Boarding In Dallas Texas | K9 Tactical
Dog Training And Boarding In Dallas Texas | K9 Tactical

This advanced scenario tests your dog’s ability to transition from attack mode to scent detection. Locate and contain the threat. Then, locate the explosive that’s been hidden somewhere on the course. Ideally, prevent your canine partner from retrieving it, and blowing everyone up. What a fun day at work!

Oh no! They’ve been taken. Someone you love, or like a little has been kidnapped. This advanced scenario tests your dog’s ability to understand the situation, bite, and rescue. You and your canine partner are tasked with containing the kidnapper and retrieving the victim.

This is an SHTF advanced scenario. It finally happened. Zombies! You and your canine need to survive. You’ll need to take out all the zombies to do so. Of course, a zombie kill requires a head shot so we hope you have good aim. And the only thing that stops a zombie from moving is a dog bite. We know, “That’s crazy?!”




have more questions? give us a call!